The Wild Sage Society Podcast w/ Marcie Walker

39- Exploring Channeling, Sound Healing, and the Fifth Dimension with Daniel Scranton

Marcie Walker Season 1 Episode 39

Unravel the layers of mysticism and metaphysical realities with our guest, Daniel Scranton, a renowned channeler and sound healer.  Daniel and I journeyed through uncharted dimensions, delving into the intricate art of mediumship and channeling, as Daniel explains how our brains can act as receivers to tune into different frequencies. Our conversation illuminates how we can shift our societal focus from division to compassion, thereby fostering healing.

We also navigated the ethereal realm of the fifth dimension, exploring the transition from the third to the fifth dimension. You'll discover how appreciating the mundane can augment your life experiences and how raising our vibrations, despite the fear-based narratives, can connect us to higher frequencies. Our vibrational frequency can be further influenced by the powerful tool of sound, which Daniel explains can be utilized for healing and accessing higher dimensions.

We wrapped up our engaging dialogue with insights on how to awaken the Arcturian energy within us, reconnect with our extra-terrestrial DNA, and access the blissful energy of the fifth dimension. Daniel offers wisdom on redefining purpose and how spreading joy and love can be integral to our life purpose. All this and more await you in my enlightening conversation with Daniel Scranton, a conversation that promises to reshape your understanding and leave you inspired. So, are you ready to elevate your consciousness and embark on this extraordinary journey with us?

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Hi! I'm Marcie Walker. I became a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Shamanic Practitioner on a mission to help people, who were holding on by a thread, drowning in guilt and shame, and punishing themselves with the kind of self-talk they'd never say to friends.

I believe that our inner life affects our outer life, and it is my passion to help people transform their inner selves, so they can achieve their full potential and create a life of purpose, fulfillment, and positive influence. I am committed to creating a safe and supportive space for my clients to explore their inner world, heal past traumas, and create a life that aligns with their true self.

Ready to embark on a transformative journey? Book your free 30-minute discovery call now and let's explore how I can support you in achieving your goals and creating a life of purpose and fulfillment. Don't wait, take the first step towards unlocking your true potential today!

💛 with love,

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**If you have any questions you'd like answered on the topics we speak on, have comments or suggestions for guest please, email Thanks for tuning in!

Paddybandwagon Productions:

This is the Wild Sage Society Podcast, where we explore the ideas and practices that help us live healthy, connected and purpose-filled lives. Each week, our host, Marcie Walker, connects with healers, spiritual leaders, doctors and small business owners on topics such as human resilience, conscious leadership and modern shamanism. Here is your host, marcy Walker.

Marcie Walker:

Hi everyone. Thanks for tuning in. Today is going to be awesome, I just know it. I have the special honor of talking with Daniel Scranton. He is a channeler and sound healer. I've invited him today to talk about mediumship and what is channeling. Welcome, Daniel, thanks for being here.

Daniel Scranton:

Oh, it's my pleasure. Thanks for having me.

Marcie Walker:

Absolutely. We have worked together in the past and I will let you know that just right out of the bat, that since working together that things are coming in more consistently. So thank you. So I know that some of our audience is not familiar with mediumship and channeling. Would you go into what that is?

Daniel Scranton:

Well, the way I like to describe it is that our brain is a radio. Our brain is a receiver. Thoughts don't originate in the brain, but the brain is what can download something and interpret it in a way that we can understand it. So we're walking around all day, every day, really channeling what thoughts are out there, what ideas are out there? Friends will talk about that. You know, tesla and, I think, marconi invented the radio at the same time. There's lots of examples of that throughout history, of how there's an idea and the idea is received by someone in the brain and once it's available, anyone can receive it. So when you're channeling, what you're doing is you're saying well, I want to set my radio to a different frequency, I want to turn the dial intentionally, because oftentimes we do things by default or we're doing things out of habit, because our parents did it, because society does it. But we're saying you know what? I think that I want to be on this frequency. So here's what I'll do. I'll put myself into that frequency, where then I'm privy to much better feeling, thoughts and ideas that can come to me, perhaps even from an ascended master like Buddha, kwan Yen, saint Germain, yeshua, or an ET, or a fairy, or an archangel, or a tree or the ocean or dolphins, something I want to tune into. That's a consciousness that has a different perspective than, say, all my friends on Facebook, all the cable news networks, everybody else who's out there just tossing ideas around or battling with each other over this or that and so like.

Daniel Scranton:

If, for example, I'll give you an example of this so let's say, there's another mass shooting in the US, and so what happens immediately is the debate begins between the right and the left Is more gun control what's necessary? And, of course, the right side, no, no, no, no, no. And so then it's like well, is it? Do we have a mental health problem or do we have a gun problem? And let's debate that. And so when I've channeled post mass shooting, what comes is like you're missing the point. That's not the issue. The issue is not well, let's solve the problem, let's prevent the problem from happening again that nobody wants, no matter what side of the aisle you're on politically, no one wants mass shootings. So they're saying instead why are we not focusing more on compassion for the people who had this traumatic experience and focusing for at least a couple of weeks on that before you enter into the solving of the problem, because that's where humanity misses the point.

Daniel Scranton:

So the pandemic happens, and then all this debate goes on about well, who started it? Why did it get started? What's the secret agenda? Should we be wearing masks? Shouldn't we be wearing masks?

Daniel Scranton:

But there were people who were dying horrible deaths and there wasn't, I don't think, as much of a conversation about how much compassion that could be generated by an entire world for people who are now living in isolation.

Daniel Scranton:

Obviously, you did see some of it, and you saw people stepping up and saying, well, I want to help the waitresses and the waiters because they're all out of work now, and I want to help these people who are living paycheck to paycheck, and so you saw that. But a lot of the debate that went on online and on cable news was, like all those other things, rather than here's a moment in time where we could all see each other as living as a global society, where it's affecting all of us, and there are people who are affected in all of these ways. You can't just tell people, well, just be healthier and you'll be fine. And you can't just tell people, well, just don't be afraid and you'll be fine, because that doesn't work. You can't undo decades of programming, no matter how well-intentioned a new age or you are. So what we really need in those moments is more love, more compassion, more healing, more opportunities to step up and say how can I help my society? As someone who is awake and someone who does see a much bigger picture here.

Marcie Walker:

That's a beautiful response and great example, thank you. So what types of channeling are there?

Daniel Scranton:

Well, like I said before, basically everything's channeling. So like the musician is channeling, the actor who's really doing a great job is channeling. I mean, some musicians and actors can go through the motions, and painters obviously we literally have paint by numbers and things where it's like there's no inspiration, there's no tapping into a higher consciousness. But there are so many examples in society of people who do find their voice through mostly doing what they love. Mostly it comes from you're either in a really relaxed state or you're in a state where you're doing exactly what you want to be doing, what you love to do the most, and then energy comes in to support that. Energy comes in to move through the person, and so a person can do it through writing. I used to be a screenwriter and so I understand that process. I understand how people get inspired to write poetry, novels, screenplays, plays, whatever. From this place of like, I just received something you know. George Lucas received the Star Wars movies, I think in their entirety, before the first one was even in pre-production. He it was something he downloaded. It's something that we do all the time and we express it in a variety of ways.

Daniel Scranton:

So I talk about channeling having five steps. The first one is you connect. So that's a big thing that you have to do, because you have to relax and get yourself in the right mode for connecting, and then you're receiving this energy, you're receiving a transmission of something. It's coming in. It's usually coming in through the crown, at the top of your head, and once you receive, you've got to be able to translate. Now that's the part where most people kind of get stuck, because you can be channeling and know you're channeling and still have nothing coming. Or maybe what's coming for you is light, language or tones or faces or colors or something that you see, but you're not yet capable of taking all of that and making into something that you can then transmit. So that's the fourth step the transmission of your translation of that energy then goes out to the world in some way, right?

Daniel Scranton:

So then the final fifth step is to trust it. You, as the channeler, have to be able to say, yeah, I have my doubts. I'm not really sure that what I was doing there was real or that it was accurate or that it was even helpful to anyone, but I liked it. I liked the way I felt when I did it, so I'll trust it enough to keep going and keep doing this thing that is causing me to face all my fears, all my anxiety. I have to face my community now and say, yes, this is what I do now and it's weird and I look weird when I'm doing it. We have to face our fears around ridicule and being burned to the stake and all that stuff that we don't even necessarily know that it's coming up.

Daniel Scranton:

But so many people have a history in some lifetime where they were the one who had the psychic ability or could see ghosts or whatever, and then they were just completely ostracized or imprisoned or whatever. So to be willing to take that leap of faith and I'll hear a lot of people say whether it's in a QHT session that they had or they had a near-death experience they come back and they say, well, what I was told was I'm not living my purpose. I haven't, even though I know I have this ability to say, maybe give great inspirational talks or write poetry or make music. I know that that's my calling and I'm not doing it. And I was sent back because I have to do the thing that I incarnated to do before I'm done with this particular mission, this lifetime that I'm on.

Marcie Walker:

That is a beautiful point, because that's exactly how I felt after I had my traumatic brain injury from slipping and falling down the stairs. Like I felt that, like my spirit team pushed me down the stairs so I could get back on track of why I was supposed to be here. You mentioned QHT. What is that?

Daniel Scranton:

Well, that was developed by a woman named Dolores Cannon and it basically takes people into such a deep trance state that the practitioner, who's a hypnotherapist, is asking that person then questions to get answers from their higher self or whoever is that they're able to tap into while they're in that state. A lot of times people who are the client in that session they're getting past life information or life in between life information or something that they need that they can take back to give themselves a healing and also, obviously, to set themselves on the right path in the lifetime.

Marcie Walker:

So it's similar to what I do as a hypnotherapist. Is a past life regression? Yeah, but okay, that's perfect, yeah, okay. So, in my past life as a corporate person someone that worked in corporate I did a lot of training around learning styles kinesthetic, auditory, visual, those kinds of things and I'm curious is there a correlation between the different types of clairs clear audience, clear sentient, clear buoyant and what people can channel?

Daniel Scranton:

So that's the translation part of it and, for some, of the transmission part of it too, because you might have a person a lot of the people that I'm teaching to channel these days are saying, during the exercise you took us through, what I saw with my eyes closed was either colors, shapes, sacred geometry or faces, so that's a person who's more clairvoyant in their orientation, whereas some people will say, well, I didn't say anything during the exercise, but I was getting things. I was hearing things, maybe in their mind's ear, and for most people, they start out feeling something in the body. So my journey started. It all started with me noticing my hand going like this while I was doing Reiki on someone, and I wasn't directing my hand to do it, and so I was like, well, that's really interesting. And then I wanted to do. I knew that I wanted to do more Reiki because I was having all these cool experiences while I was doing it.

Daniel Scranton:

The next thing that happened for me was I started doing the Stevie Wonder head, and this movement is an infinity symbol, and when you're doing it, you don't know that you're doing it, but you're taking your right and left hemispheres of your brain, which are separated by the corpus callosum. I was a psych major, that's how I know that and they operate separately the artistic and the logical but when they merge, when they become one brain, obviously you're more powerful Everyone's more powerful united than separate. So your brain is the same thing and your head doing that will create that synchronization of the two hemispheres. So people who are into binaural beats know that there's another word for that is hemisync, hemisphere synchronization. So you can do it. You can get that while you're juggling, while you're walking, because you're using the right and left feet and legs.

Daniel Scranton:

So the energy I was taking in wanted me to do that, so it moved me like that, so that my brain would become a better receiver. And then, once I started to make this Motion and sound, I said, oh my gosh, I think I'm gonna channel someday. And and this was in the beginning of 2010 and by the end of 2010 I was full on verbally channeling. So that was how it started for me, even though I was, like I said, a writer. I'm I'm prolific in my writing, I do not have any writer's block issues whatsoever, and Yet I never sat to channel by writing. But some people, for some people, that's the step that they need to take. A lot of people will channel light language first and Then channel in English or Japanese or whatever their native tongue is.

Marcie Walker:

With the transmission part, about the whole five steps. It just seems like you're moving the energy through the chakras to be able to to transmit. That, is that accurate?

Daniel Scranton:

I think it's much better with energy.

Daniel Scranton:

It goes all the way down and then back up than if it just stays here. Because you don't want to be channeling from your mind, you don't want your mind to be In charge of the channeling. So much of channeling is just letting go. It's just saying I Surrender, I don't know everything. I'm open to this new experience where and that's and that's the the hard part for so many people, because you know, we've all seen the exorcist and you know there's all.

Daniel Scranton:

There's lots of stories in the new age about Negative entities, negative energies, negative, this negative that you know. Be careful, be careful of who you channel and protect yourself. And very well meaning people who are basically just spreading more fear and making it harder for people to connect because they think that maybe the boogie man is only going to get to them when they're in the channeling state, whereas they're far more susceptible to that when they're drunk or high. You know, but when you're channeling, you're actually raising your vibration. And here's the thing when you're vibrating up here, that which is down here does not jump up to get you. It's when you're down here that you're of the same frequency and you can have those experiences. So that's why People who play with Ouija boards or are only using a pendulum to channel, there's a greater possibility of getting some kind of Trickster or, you know, not nice being. That's gonna be a part of your channeling experience. Because you never sat to raise your vibration, you never said how can I change the dial on my internal radio?

Marcie Walker:

How would you explain the 5d?

Daniel Scranton:

People just describe it in different ways. People will say, well, you have height and you have length and you have With, and then you have, or depth, I'm not really sure which is what is what there, those three dimensions, right? So you have a cube, that three dimensions, and then you have time, so that cube exists in time, and people will say, well times, the fourth dimension. So then the fifth dimension must be something else that we can, you know, measure and calculate. But to me, the fifth dimension is a state of being that is achieved. It's a frequency level or frequency range. So, let's say, the third dimension. You can vibrate down here in despair, you can vibrate up here in ecstasy and everything in between. That's where people live in the third dimension. So we shifted in 2012 that's what the end of the Mayan calendar was all about so that now we have this fourth dimensional realm, which is a small border type of realm to exist in, where we can still find the third dimension in, where we can still vibrate in the third dimensional frequencies, or we have access also to fifth dimensional frequencies up here and, obviously, what is at the low point of the fifth dimension is at the high point of the third or is higher than the high point of the third. So what it basically means is we're training ourselves through our ability to think on purpose, to focus on purpose, to do things that we know are beneficial to us and to our vibration, to exist more in a higher frequency plane all the time, and there will be a point where we will shift Completely so that you, there's no more dipping down into the third, there's there's a complete letting go of those third dimensional ways and those third dimensional ideas and stuff, because, basically, we've done it all in the third dimension. You know, you've had every imaginable experience that you can have as a third dimensional being in Some lifetime. You've been killed, you've been the killer, you've been raped, you've been the raper, you've been stolen from, you've been the thief. You, you've been abandoned, you've been the abandoner. All of it has already been done. So we've done the third dimension to death. And now it's time To move on to where new experiences are possible, like, for example, having two bodies, being one consciousness, two bodies, and being able to teleport, being able to levitate and fly, being able to go to another star system at will and Visit with the ETS and that star system. All these things that will make for a richer, more Expanded experience of self that are possible once you get over the third dimension.

Daniel Scranton:

So a lot of things that were attached to about the third dimension we don't even think of as attachments. We just think like, well, that's just the way it is. Like I just want to have a billion dollars, like what's wrong with that. But you also have to think about why do you want a billion dollars? You want everyone else to do the things for you that you don't want to do. You know, like All the things that are a part of life that you have resistance to. So you have resistance to doing your own laundry, so you just want to have enough money to be able to pay someone else to do your laundry for you.

Daniel Scranton:

Instead of Saying, how can I be more of my whole and true self while doing a chore like the laundry and the dishes and cleaning the cat litter box and things like that, how can I bring more of the love that I truly am to those things?

Daniel Scranton:

Instead of saying, well, I just want a billion dollars so I can have the best hotel suite you know, instead of staying at the Motel 6, it's that sort of thing where it's like the other thing that keeps people attached.

Daniel Scranton:

So there's the desire to have like more and power over others and things like that. But then there's also the negative attachments of like. Well, I'm holding on to this anger that I have towards the right or towards the left, or towards my mother who verbally abused me, or you know. Whatever you're holding on to, that's anger, that's I. I'm never gonna be happy until that is defeated in some way, and Then that keeps you stuck in a third-dimensional frequency range as well. But as soon as you start really Putting into practice the truths that we are all one, we're all source, we're all love, we're all here to experience that, to experience ourselves as love, an unconditional love, not the kind of love that we're used to, but the kind of love that heels, that you night, that expands, and that, when that becomes what you're interested in in life and that becomes your pursuit, then you start to live more as a master, as a fifth dimensional being, as your higher self would live and does live in its dimension.

Marcie Walker:

It's beautiful. When I do chores, I think I'm gifting to my future self. That's what helps me fold my socks.

Daniel Scranton:

Yeah, it feels good if I go over a week without doing my laundry and then I get it all done. I get to have that experience of like, oh my god, all my laundry is done. Remember how big the pile of laundry was and how and I'm currently living in a place where we have to dry it by hanging it. There's no dryer in this place for renting, so it's even more than typical laundry tour is to do laundry here.

Paddybandwagon Productions:

You know is it also is winter here.

Daniel Scranton:

So it's not easy. Not the best conditions are drying your laundry outside.

Marcie Walker:

No, it's not. So what are some of? Because we're talking basically about ascension, moving from the 3d to the 5d and you channel in the ninth dimension. So what are some of the symptoms that people typically have ascending?

Daniel Scranton:

Well, you know, ascension symptoms are really an interesting topic because certainly there are things that there are things that we decided for ourselves before we incarnated hey I'm, I'm just needing to have some ailment physically to get me to focus more on healing, to get me to pay more attention to my thoughts, my vibration, or what I'm doing with my body, how I'm treating my body. So there are those choices that people make where they come in knowing they're going to have a certain type of struggle with a certain type of ailment. And then there's the stuff that like comes Because we are not going with the flow. So like it's never been more important than it is right now to go with the flow, because if you're not going with the flow, you're really hitting a wall, you're really going to get beat up by the current. You know, like they say, if you're ever You're ever in that situation with a rip tide and you're under the water, the best thing to do is just let go. You just let go and let it take you out as far as it's going to take you, and then you can swim your way back, but you can't get anywhere by struggling against it in that moment.

Daniel Scranton:

So what ascension symptoms are is. They are a signal to the person hey, you're not keeping up here with the flow of energy there. There's something that you're resisting, there's something that You're not paying enough attention to. There's there's something you're you're pushing yourself too hard, you're not relaxing enough, you're not, you're not allowing what is to be what it is enough. So here's something in your body that will get you to slow down usually get you to stop completely in some cases and pay more attention to how much you're relaxing or how much you're opening up to receive that which is available to you. So it can.

Daniel Scranton:

It can also be A great way to get somebody interested in becoming a healer themselves. So let's say you have this chronic fatigue or something and you go to doctor after doctor after doctor and they're like, and then you say, okay, well, now I'm gonna try New agey stuff and I'm gonna go to chiropractor and acupuncturist and a naturopath and A Roma therapist and all these different people and maybe one of them works because that practitioner has a high vibration and they sort of like in train you into being in a high vibration when you're in their presence or you're receiving their their unique healing modality. And then you go oh, I want to do this for other people. I want to be the answer to the person who has struggled with something for decades and who's been told by, you know, the medical community, that they're just a hypochondriac or they're just, you know, there's just nothing they can do for them or prescribe them some drug that's going to give them horrible side effects. You know so that there's different ways that we're always nudging ourselves and showing ourselves to. This is where your vibration is, and so, in order to really thrive, we've got to keep up with the energies that are moving faster. Because we're not just shifting, because we're choosing a better feeling, thought, or because we're focusing on what brings us joy and appreciating. Those are all the things we're doing to keep up.

Daniel Scranton:

But really, the shift is something that just happens. It's a universal shift. It's not just humans of Earth that are doing it, it's the whole, all the dimensions, all the galaxies, all the star systems all at once, and I think it happens every 26,000 years or something. There's a universal cycle. They're a little less than 26,000 years, and these are things that now science people are talking about too.

Daniel Scranton:

It's not just the New Ages who come up with these ideas, but the quantum physics people and the quantum mechanics people and the astrophysicists and everyone. They're all talking about the same thing, which is essentially that this is a monumental time in our history the history of Earth, but also of the galaxy and the universe because everything is changing and it's all moving in a positive direction. It's all going up, so things are moving faster and energies come in to help us with that process. There's energies coming from the sun and there's energies coming from different planets and different beings and collectives and so on that are supporting us in the shift but are also nudging us in those directions. Of you, you've got to pay more attention to what you're putting your attention on and how you're responding to things that are happening in your life and that keep happening.

Marcie Walker:

So when I introduced you as a sound healer, and from my experience of working with you and tuning into your live channelings, I always feel a sense of upgrade after it. And that's am I on the right track here? That that's part of what you do. Is you help people bring in the high vibrational energy and upgrade their, their bodies, their cellular responses? I guess.

Daniel Scranton:

And sometimes completely unintentionally. So you can. Some people can probably tell my voice is strained right now. That and it and it has me wondering about a lot of things. But you know, I've used my, my voice and my vocal cords to create tones and overtones now for over a decade and they, they are channeled. They come through me without me initiating them, without me saying OK, now I'm going to sit and I'm going to make these crazy sounds and then I'll channel these beings from another dimension. But it was something that just started happening and I've been using my voice to. So basically, what happens is like I open up to channel and it's. It's something I don't even really have to think about. I don't have to go OK, make sure you're doing step one and step two and step three, and then it's just automatic. Now it's been almost 13 years I've been doing this. So I automatically open up and energy, like I said, comes through, and then the way it's initially transmitted is by sound and sometimes, you know, it comes through as light language. And then there's the channeling in English that everybody can understand the sound. People Don't really. There's a.

Daniel Scranton:

There's a small percentage of people on the planet right now who understand how powerful sound is. It is enormously powerful. I think, like the military understands, I think, like certain there are, there's an understanding of the power Of positive sound. But also, as you guys both probably remember, waco Texas. I think they were playing either like heavy metal music or Barry Manilow I can't remember which end of the spectrum they went to. They were blasting these branched Davidian people who are, who are sequestering themselves in this house with all these bombs and guns and stuff to try to get them to come out. So there's an understanding of the power of sound in some regards, like Western medicine now knows, hey, we can pulsate a sound and break up that kidney stone or that gallbladder stone or something.

Daniel Scranton:

At times they don't always do it, I don't know why, but yeah, the power of sound is if you think about it, if you just stop and think about it. Yeah, it really affects your mood. It can immediately bring you back in time to when you were in high school and you hear a song on the radio. It's soothing or it's irritating, or it's inspiring or it's debilitating. There's so many ways in which we're experiencing sounds throughout our day and not even really recognizing that. Oh, yeah, I have a choice and I can tune into something that's going to help me to relax, to meditate, to feel better. You could just put babies laughing in YouTube, for example, and just play clips of babies laughing and then automatically feel better.

Marcie Walker:

Barry, manila was my first concert. My mom drug me to take me to school.

Daniel Scranton:

I like it. I think he's fine. I had a great problems with him.

Marcie Walker:

I think that's fun. So we get this special opportunity of actually receiving whenever you're channeling. Are you you want to start that process?

Daniel Scranton:

Let's do it, okay. Okay. These are the Arcturians, and everything you're about to see is them. It's not me getting them or me trying to get them. I'm doing everything that they're going to do with the sounds and the movements and yeah, and then they'll speak. Oh, oh, oh, oh oh. Oh. Oh, oh, oh oh.

Daniel Scranton:

Oh, oh, oh, oh. And we also want to awaken within you that which is Arcturian. We want to help you to remember that you have been to our star system and many other star systems, that you still have extra terrestrial DNA within you and that you will reconnect with ET consciousness in this lifetime in a very real and a very physical way. We also want to touch upon something that has been spoken about here in this conversation with the channeler and the host.

Daniel Scranton:

There are these moments when you step into a fifth dimensional frequency and you exist in a moment of oneness, in a moment of knowingness. You have an expansive feeling, a feeling of pure joy and bliss, to give yourselves a taste of what you are working towards and what is inevitable for humanity, which is that you're going to get there, you're going to stay in that state at some point, but you often need to have a carrot dangle at the end of a stick, and so you will give yourselves a taste of what it feels like to be fifth dimensional, and you've all done that from time to time. Remember what that feeling is like. Remember that the feeling originated from within you and therefore, that the fifth dimension really does exist inside of you and that you can go within at any time to experience it. Very good, and now we are open to answering any questions you have for us.

Marcie Walker:

Great Thank you. Yes, With channeling. How can you explain a little bit about the Schumann's Residence Residence event that happened?

Daniel Scranton:

Well, you'll get these spikes from Mother Earth's energies to encourage you all to feel into that wonderful planet that you have underneath you and recognize that the greatest gift that you have is your existence there on Earth, on a being, a planet who is ascending with you, who is calling out to you at all times and saying come and spend time with your mother, have the experience of being loved unconditionally and feel the compassion that I have for you. Earth really is a collective consciousness that is expanding and evolving and encouraging you to do the same, and she will give off these bursts of energy, just like you're getting from the sun with your solar flares coming at times to encourage you and to remind you that you have help from above as well.

Marcie Walker:

For the people that are challenged tuning into their internal bliss or expansiveness, what advice do you have?

Daniel Scranton:

You can always start with something external. You can always stack the deck in your favor by getting into a bathtub and playing your favorite music and lighting candles and having incense or essential oils filling the air. You can do all of the things on that physical level to set yourself up for the success that you want to have with the inward journey. And then, once you do go within, let's say you are thinking the entire time and you're doing a lot of worrying and a lot of mental processing and thinking about what's so and so said to you at a dinner party or something.

Daniel Scranton:

It's okay, because during that time you are becoming more aware of the things that matter to you, of the things that have been ruminating around in your head for a while and that you need to give some more attention to before you can release them completely, before you can say, okay, I guess I'm done now with that chapter and I don't need to think about that anymore because I've processed it to the bitter end.

Daniel Scranton:

And so, in even thinking while attempting to meditate, you're releasing and you're processing and if you stick with it long enough, you will get to a place where you feel that inner peace, that silence, even if you only get it for a few moments or a few minutes, it is progress and you have gifted yourself that. And as long as you don't look back at it and say, yeah, but I was thinking for the vast majority of the time, as long as you don't do that, you will likely go back to it and do it again and maybe expand and stretch that amount of time that you have, while you are not thinking and just being and existing in a state of pure joy or bliss or peace.

Marcie Walker:

Typically, I ask our guests how do they live a connected and purposeful life? What advice would you have for us here on earth to live a more connected and purposeful life?

Daniel Scranton:

Well, first of all, it's important to redefine what purpose is, because for a lot of people that's like giving themselves a chore, making something that has meaning to it be a part of your day, that occupies several of those hours of a day and possibly even then becomes your source of income or your soul source of income. So you don't want to make it that hard on yourselves to live a purpose driven life. You just want to say my purpose is to be myself, be my best self, focus on the things that bring me the most joy, spread the most love and joy around that I can to other humans and animals and trees and Mother Earth, and do that as the best I can. Because I know at times I'm going to slip and fall and I'm going to react to things and I'm going to have anger come up and fear come up, and as long as you can accept all of that and say you know my real purpose in being on earth at this time is to be on earth at this time and to have all of the experiences that earth provides. So you really aren't slipping up when you go into anger or fear, because you were meant always to have those experiences too, the full spectrum of emotions that are available to you are meant to be felt by each and every one of you.

Daniel Scranton:

So what you do with your life is far less significant than who you are and how you move through your life and how you feel as you move through your life and how other people feel around you as you move through your life. So it really doesn't matter if you're opening the healing center or working as a cashier. Either way, you have an opportunity to brighten people's day and put a smile on their face and make them feel seen and heard and acknowledged. So if you start small in regards to that endeavor of living a purpose driven life and let following your bliss perhaps take you down a path that leads to something else and leads to something else, but doesn't have to, because as long as you're walking the path in bliss, you're still experiencing yourself as your true self, which is what you really want to do, which is the whole reason for existence in the first place. It's why Source decided to set all of this into motion, so that we could all experience ourselves and Source could experience itself through us. Thank you. Yes.

Marcie Walker:

Thank you, daniel, thank you, arcturians, I appreciate you.

Daniel Scranton:

Yes, we are the Arcturian Council and we have enjoyed connecting with you. Hi, everybody.

Marcie Walker:

So thank you so much for connecting to the Arcturians, for us or with us today. I really appreciate you. How can our audience connect with you and find you and work with you?

Daniel Scranton:

Yeah, well, I'm channeling five days a week, usually for everyone you know, putting out a free message on my website, on my YouTube. My website is just my name, danielscrantoncom, my YouTube channel is also just DanielScranton, and I'm always offering events and classes and courses and I have a big channeling course coming up in August, august 14th it starts. It's called the Learn to Channel Mega course and you can just go to wwwjanglescrantoncom To see whether it's something that fits into your schedule. All the classes that I do are on Zoom, with camera on and everything, and they're all recorded. So even if you can't make it to the course live, you still can attend via the recordings. That's my big offering. I love that.

Marcie Walker:

I love that and you also do other channelings around the solstices and equinoxes too. That.

Daniel Scranton:

I always try to tune into.

Daniel Scranton:

Yeah, I've done the. I started doing the satsang, which is like just a gathering where we just talk about a topic and then I do a guided group meditation at the end and a group healing event. Sometimes they fall on the solstice or 8-8 or 11-11 or something, and then I do a full moon or a new moon manifestation event. So I'm doing lots of different events and classes and things every month, including once a week having the Arcturians or the Hathors or the Creators or the Pleiadians come through me for a question and answer, with usually around 20 to 30 people, and those are on Thursday nights. They're called the Group Live Q&A.

Marcie Walker:

Oh, perfect, thank you. Well, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to connect with Jesse and I, and I'm sure our audience is going to get a real big kick out of today. Thank you.